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дом 24, строение 6,
2 этаж, офис 218

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Bark 2.0
Bark 2.0
Bark 2.5
Bark 2.5
Crystal 1.5.1
Crystal 1.5.1
Crystal 1.5.2
Crystal 1.5.2
Crystal 2.0.1
Crystal 2.0.1
Crystal 2.0.2
Crystal 2.0.2
Crystal 2.0.3
Crystal 2.0.3
Maldivas 1.5
Maldivas 1.5
Maldivas 2.0
Maldivas 2.0
Maldivas 2.5
Maldivas 2.5
Odysseus 150
Odysseus 150
Odysseus 200
Odysseus 200
Odysseus 250
Odysseus 250

Память: 992,77 Кб Время: 0,90301 с Запросов: 16 ( 0,00963 с ) Подробнее Администратор Обновить кеш
Модуль Операция Память, Кб Прошло, с
framework.php | myDebug::clear()
9,52 |9,52
0,00040 |0,00040
index.php | include('framework.php')
42,67 |52,19
0,00005 |0,00045
index.php | include('framework.php')
after_load base_func
17,71 |69,90
0,00984 |0,01030
index.php | include('framework.php')
after_load base_classes
36,24 |106,14
0,00085 |0,01115
index.php | include('framework.php')
3,67 |109,81
0,82140 |0,83255
app.php | m('config')
after_load myconfig
-26,33 |83,48
0,00046 |0,83301
app.php | myConfig::loadConfig()
24,18 Кб
0,00101 c
app.php | m('cpu')
after_load mycpu
39,56 |123,05
0,00155 |0,83456
mysqli.php | mymySqli::connect(Array)
13,45 Кб
0,00071 c
mysqli.php | mymySqli::q()
USE `u11244`; (0)
4,66 Кб
0,00015 c
mysqli.php | mymySqli::q()
SET NAMES 'cp1251' (0)
2,98 Кб
0,00010 c
mysqli.php | mymySqli::setDB(Array)
7,77 Кб
0,00031 c
log.php | m('mysqli')
after_load mymysqli
38,48 |161,53
0,00133 |0,83589
log.php | mymySqli::q()
insert stk_log_users (agent,referer,ip) values ('CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)',Null,'2600:1f28:365:80b0:89aa:dcf6:a502:61c8 (2600:1f28:365:80b0:89aa:dcf6:a502:61c8)') (1921959)
3,64 Кб
0,00057 c
app.php | m('log')
after_load mylog
2,28 |163,81
0,03940 |0,87529
app.php | m('cache')
after_load mycache
7,75 |171,56
0,00025 |0,87554
request.php | m('filterinput')
after_load myfilterinput
115,12 |286,69
0,00078 |0,87632
app.php | m('router')
after_load myrouter
-1,00 |285,69
0,00024 |0,87656
dbstore.php | mymySqli::q1()
select p.place, b.* from stk_bnr b left join stk_bnr_places p on p.id = b.place_id inner join stk_bnr_pages pp on b.id = pp.id_bnr where b.on1 = 1 (0)
8,24 Кб
0,00057 c
app.php | m('dbstore')
after_load mydbstore
8,76 |294,45
0,00077 |0,87733
app.php | m('response')
after_load myresponse
6,03 |300,48
0,00016 |0,87749
app.php | m('events')
after_load myevents
5,38 |305,86
0,00016 |0,87765
app.php | m('user')
after_load myuser
21,84 |327,70
0,00030 |0,87795
dbstore.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_pages where utip<='2' (10)
46,45 Кб
0,00149 c
app.php | myConfig::prepareTemplate(Array)
3,13 Кб
0,00007 c
bc.php | m('cat')
after_load mycat
67,73 |395,43
0,00228 |0,88023
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select title from stk_cat_razd where id='19' limit 0,1 (1)
8,04 Кб
0,00025 c
app.php | m('bc')
after_load mybc
4,88 |400,31
0,00043 |0,88066
indexModel.php | mymySqli::q1()
SELECT a.* FROM stk_cat a where a.pid = '2' and a.rid = '19' ORDER BY a.ord asc (14)
52,84 Кб
0,00174 c
index.php | m('form')
after_load myform
104,41 |504,72
0,00828 |0,88895
form.php | m('elements')
after_load myelements
9,91 |514,63
0,00222 |0,89117
elements.php | mymySqli::q1()
select id,title as name from stk_cat_razd where pid=2 order by ord (2)
8,02 Кб
0,00057 c
app.php | m('output')
after_load myoutput
-28,86 |485,77
0,00153 |0,89269
header.php | m('menu')
after_load mymenu
8,87 |494,64
0,00062 |0,89331
dbstore.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_menus m where utip<='2' order by menu_id, pid, ord (12)
42,91 Кб
0,00111 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='5' order by ord (6)
13,91 Кб
0,00047 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='1' order by ord (10)
19,09 Кб
0,00078 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='2' order by ord (2)
9,09 Кб
0,00051 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='3' order by ord (5)
12,69 Кб
0,00041 c
cpu.php | m('articles')
after_load myarticles
109,15 |603,79
0,00747 |0,90079
controller.php | mymySqli::q1()
select cpu from stk_text where imodul = '3' and id = '15' limit 0,1 (1)
7,12 Кб
0,00038 c
controller.php | mymySqli::q1()
select cpu from stk_text where imodul = '3' and id = '16' limit 0,1 (1)
7,81 Кб
0,00031 c
controller.php | mymySqli::q1()
select cpu from stk_text where imodul = '3' and id = '17' limit 0,1 (1)
7,81 Кб
0,00022 c
app.php | myDebug::gen()
388,98 |992,77
0,00222 |0,90301
Итого (24): запросов: 16 (0 c) 982 Кб 0 с