Нахимовский проспект,
дом 24, строение 6,
2 этаж, офис 218

Тел. (495) 978-0-616

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Память: 975,43 Кб Время: 0,88417 с Запросов: 16 ( 0,00653 с ) Подробнее Администратор Обновить кеш
Модуль Операция Память, Кб Прошло, с
framework.php | myDebug::clear()
9,52 |9,52
0,00036 |0,00036
index.php | include('framework.php')
42,67 |52,19
0,00004 |0,00040
index.php | include('framework.php')
after_load base_func
17,71 |69,90
0,01071 |0,01111
index.php | include('framework.php')
after_load base_classes
36,24 |106,14
0,00095 |0,01206
index.php | include('framework.php')
3,67 |109,81
0,80601 |0,81807
app.php | m('config')
after_load myconfig
-26,33 |83,48
0,00037 |0,81844
app.php | myConfig::loadConfig()
24,18 Кб
0,00115 c
app.php | m('cpu')
after_load mycpu
39,56 |123,05
0,00178 |0,82022
mysqli.php | mymySqli::connect(Array)
13,45 Кб
0,00072 c
mysqli.php | mymySqli::q()
USE `u11244`; (0)
4,66 Кб
0,00017 c
mysqli.php | mymySqli::q()
SET NAMES 'cp1251' (0)
2,98 Кб
0,00014 c
mysqli.php | mymySqli::setDB(Array)
7,77 Кб
0,00036 c
log.php | m('mysqli')
after_load mymysqli
38,48 |161,53
0,00143 |0,82165
log.php | mymySqli::q()
insert stk_log_users (agent,referer,ip) values ('CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)',Null,'2600:1f28:365:80b0:8082:c69a:838f:9df8 (2600:1f28:365:80b0:8082:c69a:838f:9df8)') (1876643)
3,64 Кб
0,00042 c
app.php | m('log')
after_load mylog
2,28 |163,81
0,04820 |0,86985
app.php | m('cache')
after_load mycache
7,75 |171,56
0,00022 |0,87007
request.php | m('filterinput')
after_load myfilterinput
115,12 |286,69
0,00081 |0,87088
app.php | m('router')
after_load myrouter
-1,00 |285,69
0,00026 |0,87114
dbstore.php | mymySqli::q1()
select p.place, b.* from stk_bnr b left join stk_bnr_places p on p.id = b.place_id inner join stk_bnr_pages pp on b.id = pp.id_bnr where b.on1 = 1 (0)
8,24 Кб
0,00017 c
app.php | m('dbstore')
after_load mydbstore
8,76 |294,45
0,00036 |0,87150
app.php | m('response')
after_load myresponse
6,03 |300,48
0,00015 |0,87165
app.php | m('events')
after_load myevents
5,38 |305,86
0,00014 |0,87179
app.php | m('user')
after_load myuser
21,84 |327,70
0,00032 |0,87211
dbstore.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_pages where utip<='2' (10)
46,45 Кб
0,00131 c
app.php | myConfig::prepareTemplate(Array)
3,13 Кб
0,00008 c
bc.php | m('cat')
after_load mycat
67,73 |395,43
0,00208 |0,87419
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select title from stk_cat_razd where id='18' limit 0,1 (1)
8,03 Кб
0,00031 c
app.php | m('bc')
after_load mybc
4,95 |400,38
0,00050 |0,87469
indexModel.php | mymySqli::q1()
SELECT a.* FROM stk_cat a where a.pid = '3' and a.rid = '18' ORDER BY a.ord asc (0)
9,00 Кб
0,00100 c
index.php | m('form')
after_load myform
69,95 |470,32
0,00181 |0,87649
form.php | m('elements')
after_load myelements
9,89 |480,21
0,00017 |0,87666
elements.php | mymySqli::q1()
select id,title as name from stk_cat_razd where pid=3 order by ord (5)
10,30 Кб
0,00069 c
app.php | m('output')
after_load myoutput
-0,42 |479,79
0,00098 |0,87765
header.php | m('menu')
after_load mymenu
8,84 |488,63
0,00043 |0,87808
dbstore.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_menus m where utip<='2' order by menu_id, pid, ord (12)
42,94 Кб
0,00071 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='5' order by ord (6)
13,89 Кб
0,00027 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='1' order by ord (10)
19,09 Кб
0,00041 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='2' order by ord (2)
9,09 Кб
0,00020 c
cat.php | mymySqli::q1()
select * from stk_cat_razd where pid='3' order by ord (5)
12,69 Кб
0,00025 c
cpu.php | m('articles')
after_load myarticles
109,52 |598,15
0,00436 |0,88244
controller.php | mymySqli::q1()
select cpu from stk_text where imodul = '3' and id = '15' limit 0,1 (1)
7,12 Кб
0,00017 c
controller.php | mymySqli::q1()
select cpu from stk_text where imodul = '3' and id = '16' limit 0,1 (1)
7,81 Кб
0,00015 c
controller.php | mymySqli::q1()
select cpu from stk_text where imodul = '3' and id = '17' limit 0,1 (1)
7,81 Кб
0,00015 c
app.php | myDebug::gen()
377,28 |975,43
0,00173 |0,88417
Итого (24): запросов: 16 (0 c) 964 Кб 0 с